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Parution: « Minorités littéraires et autres en Pologne »

Parution: « Minorités littéraires et autres en Pologne »

Préparée par le Département de Polonais de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne en collaboration avec l’Institut de recherches littéraires de l’Académie polonaise des sciences de Varsovie, cette publication se propose de porter un regard neuf sur la question de l’identité...

E.ON to Build $105 Million Polish Wind Farm to Power 40,000 Homes

E.ON to Build $105 Million Polish Wind Farm to Power 40,000 Homes

EON AG (EON), Germany’s largest utility, will build an 80 million-euro ($105 million) wind farm in Poland to generate enough power for 40,000 homes a year. Currently in Poland, the company has 4 onshore wind farms with an installed capacity of almost 100 MW and a...

Mazovia valley fostering green chemistry research

Mazovia valley fostering green chemistry research

The Mazovia valley in Poland is fast becoming a hub for green chemistry research in Europe thanks to a new research infrastructure that will be used by top chemistry-related institutions from all over the country. The aim is to develop a friendly research environment...