How often have you wished to have more time? Wanted to extend your day by few additional, precious hours? At Intelclinic we help you gain more time by lowering amount of sleep you need to be refreshed and regenerated. We created NeuroOn a world’s first brainwaves monitoring SLEEP MASK, allowing you to switch from monophasic to polyphasic sleep meaning you sleep less and more efficiently. This is the way that Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and a fluctuating list of other legends often slept.Join us, become sleep master and change your life forever!

IntelClinic, la startup d’un étudiant en médecine polonais a remporté la Start-Up Competition de LeWeb13. Le projet d’IntelClinic ? NeuroOn, un masque de nuit qui surveille les mouvements des yeux et les ondes cérébrales de celui qui le porte afin d’analyser la qualité de son sommeil. Le but ? «Faire baisser le temps de sommeil dont vous avez besoin pour vous sentir rafraîchi et régénéré.»


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