Le Premier ministre espagnol, José Luis Zapatero, a reçu son homologue polonais, Donald Tusk le 9 mars pour le 7e sommet hispano-polonais. Outre les questions relatives aux révolutions du monde arabe et à la crise internationale, les deux chefs de gouvernement ont échangé sur la future présidence polonaise du conseil de l’Union européenne qui débutera le 1er juillet prochain, et sur les moyens d’améliorer la gouvernance économique européenne.
Having met with Jose Luis Zapatero, the prime minister of Spain, Polish premier Donald Tusk declared that Poland was ready to participate in the competitiveness pact.
The new pact was presented jointly by France and Germany at the EU February summit in Brussels. It stipulates closer euro area integration and implementation of an economic government. According to numerous commentators, the competitiveness pact is quite dangerous at it allows for the development of the EU in a two-speed manner.
« We’re ready not only because we want to be, and not only because we’d be able to live up to the competiveness requirements as properly as most euro countries. We’re willing to take up the responsibilities imposed by the pact without any major difficulties or an inferiority complex », said Tusk.
He emphasized the fact that many European leaders had told him Poland would be most welcome to actively participate in such a pact.
The Spanish prime minister thinks that the competitiveness pact should reinforce the euro-based economies through the introduction of stricter requirements related to employment, taxes, financial systems, and productivity.
Both leaders said that the cohesion policy was a necessary pillar of the EU.
Referring to the bilateral relations between Poland and Spain, PM Tusk stated they had reached the highest possible level. Spain has declared its support for the objectives of the Polish presidency, which include: development of the internal market, common safety and defense policies, stronger eastern and southern focus of the European foreign endeavors.
We seem to share views on how to build a better future for our southern neighbors. We realize that in order to create international order it is necessary to respect some basic values. The EU will need to put much effort into returning to this honest and open language with which we tend to describe our world of common values, said the Polish prime minister.
Tusk expressed his satisfaction with the fact that numerous Spanish investors were active in the Polish market.
Source: Kancelaria Prezesa Rady Ministrow