SciencesPo Alumni of Poland, Columbia Alumni Poland and APGEF were very pleased to launch our first Alumni Business Rendez-vous meeting in Warsaw in Mazars headquarter on the challenges and opportunities raised by the retail banking industry with the following keynote speakers:
- Maciej WITUCKI (CEO of Work Service, Chairman of the supervisory Board Orange Polska, former CEO of Lukas Bank)
- Karol SADAJ (Country Manager of Revolut Polska)
- Dariusz MAZURKIEWICZ (CEO of BLIK – Polski Standard Płatności)
- Joanna Socha (business journalist, founder of W Insight) as our moderator
Our next Buisness Alumni Rendez-vous will take place in February, so subscribe to our newsletter to be informed about the next events :
- SciencesPo Poland here :
- Columbia Alumni here:
- APGEF here :
Thank you again for attending the event and special thanks to Subko&Co for the cocktail and Mazars for the beautiful view.
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