SciencesPo Alumni Poland, Columbia Club of Poland and APGEF are very pleased to invite you to a special conference in English regarding
The Telecom Industry: Trends, Innovation and Perspectives in Poland
with the following keynote speakers:

  • Grazyna Piotrowska-Oliwa (CEO & President, Virgin Mobile Polska)
  • Michal Cieminski (Marketing Director Business Market, Orange
  • Martin Mellor (Country Manager, Ericsson)

The conference will be moderated by Joanna Socha, business journalist, founder & editor-in-chief of W Insight.

The conference will be followed with a cocktail.

When : March, 11th from 6:30 PM to 8:30  PM
VenueMazars OfficesUl. Piękna 18, 00-549 Warsaw
Due to limited number of seats (40 ) reserved on a “first come first served basis”, early registration is strongly recommended ( clicking on the image hereunder).
The latter is subject to the e-mail final validation of the Alumni Business Rendez-vous organizers.

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Google Trends Pologne :

Réseaux sociaux :

Tous les mois, une occasion de rencontre en France ou en Pologne. Restons en contact !

Devenez membre à part entière de notre réseau et soutenez notre développement

Manifeste étudiant pour un réveil écologique: se renseigner et s'engager !


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