EmpowerPL100 Unique mentoring program  – launched by BCG, APGEF and Federation of Polish Students in Great Britain,- connecting young Poles studying all over Europe with CEOs of most ambitious companies will be launched in London on November 24th. Make sure to join us for Poland20Summit and ball https://lnkd.in/eJ2Pdt5

More details : 

  • WHAT : Poland 2.0 Summit is an annual conference for professionals and students that aims to present how innovation and technological progress are transforming the future of life, business, and public policy; placing a special emphasis on the role of Poland as an promising player in this field. This year’s summit will cover topics from a wide range of business and technological fields such as fintech, social entrepreneurship, future medicine and smart cities.
  • WHENNov 23, 2018 to Nov 24, 2018
  • REGISTER HERE : https://www.ticketbase.com/events/poland-2-0-summit-2018  
  • Learn more about the conference and past editions at https://poland20.com/
  • More information about #EmpowerPL our mentoring programhttps://www.apgef.com/mentoring/ 

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